393 research outputs found

    Condensation for non-relativistic matter in Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity

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    We study condensation for non-relativistic matter in a Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz black hole without the condition of the detailed balance. We show that, for the fixed non-relativistic parameter α2\alpha_2 (or the detailed balance parameter ϵ\epsilon), it is easier for the scalar hair to form as the parameter ϵ\epsilon (or α2\alpha_2) becomes larger, but the condensation is not affected by the non-relativistic parameter β2\beta_2. We also find that the ratio of the gap frequency in conductivity to the critical temperature decreases with the increase of ϵ\epsilon and α2\alpha_2, but increases with the increase of β2\beta_2. The ratio can reduce to the Horowitz-Roberts relation ωg/Tc≈8\omega_g/T_c\approx 8 obtained in the Einstein gravity and Cai's result ωg/Tc≈13\omega_g/T_c\approx 13 found in a Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity with the condition of the detailed balance for the relativistic matter. Especially, we note that the ratio can arrive at the value of the BCS theory ωg/Tc≈3.5\omega_g/T_c\approx 3.5 by taking proper values of ϵ\epsilon, α2\alpha_2, β2\beta_2 and mm.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1001.1472; and text overlap with arXiv:0911.4867 by other author

    A quasi-optimal lower bound for skew polynomial multiplication

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    We establish a lower bound for the complexity of multiplying two skew polynomials. The lower bound coincides with the upper bound conjectured by Caruso and Borgne in 2017, up to a log factor. We present algorithms for three special cases, indicating that the aforementioned lower bound is quasi-optimal. In fact, our lower bound is quasi-optimal in the sense of bilinear complexity. In addition, we discuss the average bilinear complexity of simultaneous multiplication of skew polynomials and the complexity of skew polynomial multiplication in the case of towers of extensions

    Geometrically thick equilibrium tori around a Schwarzschild black hole in swirling universes

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    We study geometrically thick non-self gravitating equilibrium tori orbiting a Schwarzschild black hole immersed in swirling universes. This solution is axially symmetric and non-asymptotically flat, and its north and south hemispheres spin in opposite directions. Due to repulsive effects arising from the swirl of the background spacetime, the equilibrium torus exists only in the case with the small swirling parameter. With the increase of the swirling parameter, the disk structure becomes small and the excretion of matter near the black hole becomes strong. Moreover, the odd Z2Z_2 symmetry of spacetimes originating from the swirling parameter yields that the orientation of closed equipotential surfaces deviates away from the horizontal axis and the corresponding disk does not longer possess the symmetry with respect to the equatorial plane. These significant features could help to further understand the equilibrium tori and geometrically thick accretion disks around black holes in swirling universes.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Quasinormal modes of a scalar perturbation around a rotating BTZ-like black hole in Einstein-bumblebee gravity

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    We analytically study the quasinormal modes of a scalar perturbation around a rotating BTZ-like black hole in the Einstein-bumblebee gravity. We observe that the Lorentz symmetry breaking parameter imprints only in the imaginary parts of the quasinormal frequencies for the right-moving and left-moving modes. The perturbational field decays more rapidly for the negative Lorentz symmetry breaking parameter, but more slowly for the positive one. The forms of the real parts are the same as those in the usual BTZ black holes. Moreover, we also discuss the AdS/CFTAdS/CFT correspondence from the quasinormal modes and find that the Lorentz symmetry breaking parameter enhances the left and right conformal weights hLh_L and hRh_R of the operators dual to the scalar field in the boundary. These results could be helpful to understand the AdS/CFTAdS/CFT correspondence and the Einstein-bumblebee gravity with the Lorentz symmetry violation.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur
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